
Update Jan 2025.  If my health allows me to continue this site will remain until November 2025. As the Law and the VA changes, at 78 years old, I will try to ensure this site is updated to reflect it.

After 7 years of going to the VA for healthcare and disabilities, my 100% P&T disability rating was given to me around 2019, before my first contact with an MST Coordinator. I was tired of being in denial so I called and met with one. After several meetings, I started going to mental health classes to learn to cope, when COVID hit. I was cut off from Mental Health Care and plunged into darkness because of forced isolation. I had to find alternatives to help myself by starting to read everything about MST.

I found out the VA admitted they failed MST Victims in the past by not understanding how serious the problem is. They made mistakes by denying benefits. I turned my study into this website to get the word out and to help Veterans who are MST Victims get care and compensation.  The VA has corrected this gross negligence and started an MST Program. Contact an MST Coordinator who is trained to help you.

PTSD symptoms may be worse in later years as veterans age. Learn how as an older Veteran, you may still be affected by your past events during your service. There are tips to find help as well.  Here is another study about how older VIETNAM ERA veterans start suffering from PTSD and Depression nearing their 8th Decade. So if you think you missed the boat for a PTSD Disability think again.

If you filed an MST-related claim before August 2018 and received a denial the VA encourages you to refile so that your claim can be reviewed by staff who have received MST training. You now know MST is far more than PTSD. Many more disabilities were caused because of your MST. File for everything you are suffering from.

Please tell others about this website, which is my therapy. It helps me because it is helping others. This website has been active since 2021. 
My ability to retain knowledge is limited. My memory is not as sharp as it used to be. My experiences in the military altered my mental health. This is why the research continues. I do edit or add to this website often. I use many WordPress plug-ins because I write backward, my grammar is not correct, and my spelling is not very good.  PTSD forces me to continue controlling my anger. It is wearing me down. When I am triggered I want revenge. I do not look at PTSD as a badge of honor. It has been a curse. 

Do not be suspicious of why this website exists.

My guarantee. No legal or healthcare advice is given.  I am not an expert, lawyer, doctor, or scholar. There will never be any ads, petitions, membership requirements, rallies, zoom conferences, no go-fund-me, no blogs, no forums, and no social media groups. Your identity will never be known. No communication will ever take place. Your email address will not be asked for. There are no web forms gathering data. No Cookies are required. There are no ulterior motives. I am a veteran trying to help other veterans by gathering data from many sources and putting it on this website. Nothing is FOR SALE HERE.

THIS IS MY EFFORT TO BE FACT-CHECKED BY YOU. The below form does not collect any data. If I am wrong about anything or you want to add something send it. We are in this together. Do not ask a question because I will not respond. Just like you I want my privacy.  I will have no clue who sent this message.

If you see a broken link, any mistakes, an error, problems with grammar, or that I just plain old screwed it all up TELL ME…
