ABCs of Self Defense

Jennifer Cassetta  a keynote speaker, author, self-defense expert, and health & empowerment coach.

ABC’s of self-defense

Awareness, Boundaries, and Communication.

Awareness: Try to focus and be aware of your surroundings. For example, don’t walk in the middle of the street scrolling through social media or texting. Try to not be distracted, and stay aware of what’s going on. Predators tend to go after people who are distracted because they seem to be an easy target.

Boundaries: Setting your boundaries. If someone is getting touchy-feely, putting their arm on your shoulder, or touching you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, say NO! Attempt to remove their hand and make sure you’re clearly establishing boundaries of what is and what is NOT okay.

Communication: If someone is trying to attack you, use communication to scare them. Say “NO, BACK AWAY NOW”. Try to channel your deep voice, a strict loud tone can often scare the attacker and many times the louder you are the more likely it is for someone nearby to hear.

3 Key Targets to Taking Down an Attacker

Eyes, Throat, and Groin.

Regardless of how big the attacker is, if you poke them in the eyes, they’re very likely to get hurt. After you poke them in the eyes using your two fingers, try to elbow them in the throat, and then attempt to knee them in the groin. Once they’re down that’s a good opportunity for you to run.

Another tip: Use your accessories as a weapon! If your cell phone is in your hand you can try to use the edge of the phone to strike your attacker in the face and collarbone. Use your keys to strike your attacker in the neck. If you can, hit your attacker in the groin with your purse, and once they’re down, hit them again!

Listen to your gut instinct – if something feels odd or unsafe, do your best to remove yourself from the situation.
